Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our Big Girl

Addison had her Six months check up, everything is great!! At 6 1/2 months she weighs 13lbs 4oz and is 26inches long. She is really skinny and long but she slowly is putting weight on. She loves her veggies and Cereal, but she dislikes fruit! I'm working on getting her to eat them, she can only eat about 3 spoonfuls until she cant take in anymore. The doctor told me to go ahead and start introducing meat into her meals. She is starting to laugh a little now, only to Brice though. She is such a daddy's girl! If Brice is at home Addison cannot take her eyes off of him it is so cute. She still sleep from 9pm till 8am, so I get plenty of rest. Just this week she is starting to get on her hands and knees. She cant go anywhere quite yet but its so cute to watch her try. This past Sunday was Addison first time going to church. I think she really enjoyed it, she was singing with everyone and kept singing even when the songs were over but I'm glad she tries. Addison is our happy easy going baby, and I feel so lucky!

Daddy's little girl!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Here are some new pictures of Addison.This is Brice's boat that is in dry dock getting some work done on it.