Sunday, March 2, 2008

First weekend without Brice

This is the first weekend without Brice. It has been alot harder than I thought it would be. We are still working on our sleeping times!! Addison likes to stay awake at night and sleep during the day. Ive tried to keep her awake but once she out she doesnt wake up for anything except when its time to eat. We are going to the doctor tomorrow to see if her Jaudice is all gone which I think it is because she been taking formula for at least a week now. I cant wait to see if she gained any weight!! She is sooo tiny and doesnt fit into any of her new clothes I want to play dress up :) Brice is on his ship now the flight was long but good. I hope he can get on and update everyone on what he has been doing. Well i was going to put some more pics of Addison on but my free internet isnt being very nice. Maybe tomorrow!


Blair said...

Hope you're able to get into a routine soon and that the time until he comes back will fly by! It usually seems like 4-6 weeks is the magic time where my babies start to figure out nights and days! Hang in there! Hope the appointment goes well tomorrow!

candyspirit said...

Hi Allison,
we love all the updates! I am sure Addison will be fine at the doctors. Brice will be back before you know it. Time goes by so fast. Have a good day!
Love, Ne Ne & Pa Pa

Mom said...

Gee sounds just like her Mom. I remember those days. Hang in there.
Love, Mom